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How to get what you want - Message from the “Youniverse”

Today I received a very strong but sweet message from the universe. 

I thought to share this with you.

And just so you know, l'll be posting on my blog more often as I am working on writing a book about my adventures at the Angel House. 

We had our "meet the teacher barbecue" today at my son's school and we purchased raffle tickets. There were probably almost twenty baskets filled with goodies from beauty products, bed and bath, toys, snacks and more. 

My eleven year old son was very excited when I told him he could put the tickets into the bags for which ever baskets he likes. He ran over to a particular basket with an etiquette that said, "unhealthy food basket". 

He told me it was the one from their classroom. And he dropped the tickets into the bag setup in front of it for the entries. 

ALL of them. 

We tried to tell him to spread them out a bit. But there was no way of changing his mind.

That's the basket he wanted and nothing else. 

As I walked around to look at the other baskets, my gaze went back to my son's choice and I immediately felt a familiar feeling, a feeling that often tells me that something is meant for me. I describe it as an inner knowing, or a recognition.

The awareness that something is meant to happen. Like the universe winking at me, "this is for you." 

We went outside to grab our burgers and hot dogs and the kids ran off to play with their friends as I wandered around the back of the school. There was an ice cream truck, but I had no cash on me. I decided to go to my car to look for money with my daughter, but we were out of luck. 

"Maybe they take credit!" My ingenious daughter says as we were walking back, I just didn't think an ice cream truck takes plastic, however, after checking the truck, we noted a pay pad by the window. But I didnt think to bring my wallet. I think my tired mind from working night shifts can be blamed for my scattered brain tonight.

"Why don't you use your phone wallet?" My daughter suggests. Yes, why I never thought of that before is beyond me. Here is my fourteen-year-old showing me how to use my wallet on my phone to tab and pay for the ice cream.

As we were standing in line for the ice cream, my son walks around the corner with the biggest smile ever, holding his basket of unhealthy goods.

He won the basket. 

He put all his tickets and bet on the one thing he really desired and won. 

Sometimes in life, we must put all our eggs in one basket despite contrary beliefs.

Put all your attention on that one thing you desire the most. And see what happens. 


I hope you enjoyed reading my story, if you want to stay connected, enter your email on my website down by the footer, to get notified of new blog posts.

Thank you.


Sabrina S Goeldlin | I exist to inspire greater understanding and help you see the miracle of your true self | Life is about awakening and remembering who we are



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